26 Mayıs 2023 Semineri
An Optimization Approach for Historical Building Restoration Planning
Halenur Şahin Mahmutoğulları,
Department of Industrial Engineering, TOBB ETÜ University of Economics and Technology, Ankara
An Optimization Approach for Historical Building Restoration Planning
Halenur Şahin Mahmutoğulları,
Department of Industrial Engineering, TOBB ETÜ University of Economics and Technology, Ankara
Perspectives in Operational Research
Çağlar Güven,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University
An MDP Approach for Intervention Planning of Partially Observable Systems Prone to Failures
Önder Bulut, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yaşar University, Izmir
This talk will be an overview of our Markov Decision Process (MDP) approach developed for the intervention/maintenance planning of the systems where the deterioration levels of the components are partially observable.
Modelle Anla(t)mak
Prof.Dr.Sinan Kayalıgil
An Interactive Method for Multiple Response Robust Design Problem with Continuous and Ordinal Quality Characteristics
Dr. Leman Esra Dolgun,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskişehir Technical University
Multi-objective solution approaches for disaster response operations
İstenç Tarhan,
Lip6, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Heudiasyc, UTC, Compiègne, France
Minimum Weighted 1-Maximal Total Nearly Perfect Set Problem
Şakir Buğra Kollar, Department of Industrial Engineering, METU
Dynamic Development Contests
Ersin Körpeoğlu, UCL School of Management
New Technologies for Integrated Sustainable Supply Chain Network and Production Planning
Iraj Mahdavi, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology
Converging Towards Preferred Solutions under Distance-based Value Functions
Gülşah Karakaya, Business Administration, Middle East Technical University