14 Şubat 2020 Semineri
Agricultural Value Chain Dynamics: The Case of Olive Oil in Turkey
Büşra Atamer Balkan, Department of Industrial Engineering, METU
Agricultural Value Chain Dynamics: The Case of Olive Oil in Turkey
Büşra Atamer Balkan, Department of Industrial Engineering, METU
A Bilevel Programming Approach to Design Intervention Schemes
Ece Demirci, Department of Industrial Engineering, TED University
Product-line Planning Under Uncertainty
Şakir Karakaya
Head of Product Safety and Market Surveillance Department, Ministry of Industry and Technology
The Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Shared Charging Stations
Çağrı Koç
Dept of Business Administration, Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU)
Gendered Engineering Culture: Why?
Ege Naz Özer
Department of Industrial Engineering, METU
Mixed Integer Programming Formulations for the Production Planning Problems in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Tevhide Altekin
Sabancı School of Management, Sabancı University
Hyperbox Based Matheuristics for Binary Classification and Feature Selection Problems
Derya Akbulut
Department of Industrial Engineering, Çankaya University
Strategic Environmental Quality Investments in Multi-tier Supply Chains
Pınar Yalçın
Garanti Teknoloji
Placement Optimization in Refugee Resettlement
Andrew Trapp
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Preparing for the Future
Hürol İnan
Board Director, Engineers Australia Advisory Board Member, Center for New Workforce – Swinburne University