Eğitim Geçmişi:
- M.Sc., METU, 1990
- M.Sc., METU, 1992
- Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1998
Kısa Özgeçmiş:
After receiving her Ph.D. in 1998, Dr. Avşar worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Operations Planning and Control at Eindhoven University of Technology for a year and as a faculty member in the Industrial Engineering Department of Bilkent University for three years. She has been a member of the faculty in METU Industrial Engineering Department since 2002.
Araştırma Konuları:
- Stochastic Dynamic Programming
- Stochastic Games
- Revenue Management Problems
Uzmanlık Alanları :
- Stochastic Modeling
- Revenue Management
- Inventory Control
ODTÜ Avesis: