Eğitim Geçmişi:
- B.S., METU, 1986
- M.S., METU, 1989
- Ph.D., METU, 1994
Kısa Özgeçmiş:
Meral Azizoğlu received her BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering, all from METU. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Management School of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and as an adjunct assistant professor in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department of Columbia University in the city of New York. She has been a faculty member in the Industrial Engineering Department of METU since October 1996.
She is the recipient of the Research Encouragement Awards from TUBITAK (2002) and Mustafa Parlar Education and Research Foundation (2004).
Araştırma Konuları:
- Manufacturing Systems
- Production and Project Scheduling
- Network theory
Uzmanlık Alanları :
- Manufacturing Systems
- Production and Project Scheduling
- Network theory
ODTÜ Avesis: