Eğitim Geçmişi:
- B.S., METU, 1994
- M.S., Lancaster University, 1995
- Ph.D., METU, 2000
Kısa Özgeçmiş:
Dr. Esra Karasakal is a professor of Industrial Engineering at METU. After receiving her M.S. degree from Lancaster University in 1995, Dr. Karasakal worked as a research asistant in Industrial Engineering Department of METU, where she received her Ph.D. degree in 2000. She worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in University of Ottawa, on leave from METU for a year.
Araştırma Konuları:
- Multicriteria decision making: Support vector machines, Data envelopment analysis, Interactive approaches
- Facility location
- Defense modelling
- Artificial neural networks
- Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
Uzmanlık Alanları :
- Multicriteria decision making
- Decision analysis
- Mathematical modelling, optimization and its applications
- Heuristic search
ODTÜ Avesis: