Short-term Flood Control in Multi-Reservoir Systems

Seçil Savaşaneril, Department of Industrial Engineering, METU


We study the real-time short-term flood control for a multi-reservoir system subject to several predefined constraints on releases and storages with anticipated inflows. The flood control problem is part of an operational framework where the aim is long-term energy maximization. The resulting optimization problem requires developing a large scale, nonlinear model. Hence, the solution is maintained through an improved epoch-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The proposed solution is general and can be used for any watershed with different layouts of several reservoirs having anticipated inflows and pre-defined release and storage constraints. It is the first time PSO is used for such a complex large-scale problem within flood control context. The developed model was applied to Seyhan Basin having 10 reservoirs with general layout of the mixed structure. The model results are compared to the real operation which indicate that the proposed methodology achieves less flooding and more energy production.
Joint work with Umut Güvengir, A. Burcu Altan-Sakarya and Serkan Buhan.

Short Bio

Secil Savasaneril is an Associate Professor at METU Industrial Engineering Department. She received her BS from METU, MS and PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology, all in industrial engineering. Her research interests lie in the area of operations and supply chain management, stochastic control, and energy management in hydropower systems.


Friday, May 29, 2020, 4.00 pm - ZOOM Meeting


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