We are in close contact with our graduates through email lists, focus group meetings, and social activities.
ListEM is the email list of the graduates of the Industrial Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University. It aims at creating a mutual communication, sharing, and cooperation environment among its members. ListEM has more than 1500 members. Members post and receive some 50-200 email messages per month. Graduates of the Department can apply for ListEM membership and join the list subject to approval.
METU IE Alumni Group in Linkedin is a more formal communication tool with over 2000 members. Graduates can apply for membership via group page.
https://www.linkedin.com/school/15106709/people/?facetFieldOfStudy=100372 page in Linkedin gives an idea about the profile of METU IE alumni (where they live, where they work, and what they do) and allows search among our graduates having an account in Linkedin.
Graduates of our department may also find useful the following links that are available to all METU alumni.
There are a number of METU Alumni Associations in different cities, the largest ones being in Ankara and İstanbul.