Our key research focus areas include
- Waste collection and recycling management
- Telecommunication systems
- Healthcare systems
- Education
- Energy planning
- Transportation systems
- Disaster relief
Members of the research group
- Z. Müge Avşar
- Sakine Batun
- Serhan Duran
- Cem İyigün
Selected projects
- Türkiye’de İtfaiye Hizmet Standartlarının Geliştirilmesi, DPT-funded, March 2015 - February 2016. Team member(s): Bayramoğlu-Özuğurlu S. (Director, TODAİE), Çelik M., Kara H. (METU Political Science and Public Administration), Kavas Urul A. (TEPAV).
- Enerji Tüketim Takip Sisteminde Zaman Serileri Sınıflandırma Problemi için Optimizasyon Modellerinin ve Sezgisel Yaklaşımların Geliştirilmesi, January 2015 - December 2015. Team member(s): İyigün C.
- Optimizasyon ve Genel Denge Modelleri Aracılığı ile Çok Amaçlı Enerji ve Çevre Politikaları Analizi, METU BAP-08-11-2014-019, January 2014 - December 2014. Team member(s): Köksalan M., Voyvoda E., Yıldız Ş.
- Smart Energy Aware Systems – Development of Optimization Models to be Integrated in Smart Home Systems, INNOVA, August 2014 - August 2015. Team member(s): Duran S., İyigün C.
- Smart Energy Aware Systems, September 2014 - Ongoing. Team member(s): İyigün C.
- CONCOORD - Consolidation and Coordination in Urban Areas - Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe, April 2013 - Ongoing. Team member(s): Süral H., İyigün C., Gürel S., Kunter U.C., Farham M.S., Pancaroğlu M. Project Partners: Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Technical University Denmark, Vienna University of Economics and Busin.
- Finansal Krizlerin Dinamiklerinin Elipsoidal Analiz ve Kümeleme Metotları Aracılığıyla Modellenmesi ve Anlaşılması, TÜBİTAK-112T744, February 2013 - February 2014. Team member(s): İyigün C.
- Development of Cost Based Flexible Pricing Decision Support System for TCDD, TCDD, September 2013 - September 2014. Team member(s): Duran S., Tural M. K.
- Bundled Product Selling Methods in Sports and Entertainment Industry, METU BAP-08-11-2011-104, April 2011 - Ongoing. Team member(s): Duran S., Özener O. Ö., Yakıcı E.
- Havayolu Taşımacılığında Çizelge Aksaklıkları Yönetimi, METU BAP-08-11-2011-125, January 2011 - Ongoing. Team member(s): Gürel S., Arıkan U.
- T.C. Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü Köprü Yönetim Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi, (Development of a Bridge Maintenance Management System for General Directorate of Highways), TÜBİTAK (KAMAG)-108G018, September 2009 - December 2012. Team member(s): Akgül F., Serin Y., Saka P., Dicleli M., Yılmaz T., Yalçın F. and Yalçın C.
Selected publications
- Batun S., Schaefer A. J., Bhandari A., Roberts M. S. (2018), Optimal liver acceptance for risk-sensitive patients, Service Science, 10(3), pp 320-333 .
- Aydın S.M., Karaaslan M., Karabaş T., Nartok Y.M., Özdemir R.O., Kırca Ö., Meral S. (2017), Bir savunma sanayi şirketinde malzeme envanter yönetim sisteminin yeniden tasarlanması, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 28(3), pp 3-19.
- Lorca Á., Çelik M., Ergun Ö., Keskinocak P. (2017), An optimization-based decision-support tool for post-disaster debris operations, Production and Operations Management, 26(6), pp 1076-1091.
- Arıkan U., Gürel S., Aktürk M.S. (2016), Integrated aircraft and passenger recovery with cruise time controllability, Annals of Operations Research, 236(2), pp 295-317.
- Cao W., Çelik M., Ergun Ö., Swann J., Viljoen, N. (2016), Challenges in service network expansion: An application in donated breastmilk banking in South Africa, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 53(1), pp 33-48.
- Gürkan H., Gürel S., Aktürk M.S. (2016), An integrated approach for airline scheduling, aircraft fleeting and routing with cruise speed control, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 68, pp 38-57.
- Köksalan M., Şakar C.T. (2016), An interactive approach to stochastic programming-based portfolio optimization, Annals of Operations Research, 245, pp 47-66.
- Ravaja J.N., Korhonen P., Köksalan M., Lipsanen J.O., Salminen M., Somervuori O., Wallenius J. (2016), Emotional-motivational responses predicting choices: The role of asymmetrical frontal cortical activity, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2, pp 56-70.
- Çelik M., Ergun Ö., Keskinocak P. (2015), The post-disaster debris clearance problem with incomplete information, Operations Research, 63(1), pp 65-85.
- Duran A.S., Gürel S., Aktürk M.S. (2015), Robust airline scheduling with controllable cruise times and chance constraints, IIE Transactions, 47, pp 64–83.
- Köse N., Sun D., Tulum M., Türegün A.Y., Yamaner C., Kırca Ö., Süral H. (2015), Geri dönüştürülebilir ambalaj atıkları yönetim sistemi tasarımı, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 26(2), pp 35-51.
- Özmen M., Tunç S., Yağız G., Yıldırım S. , Yıldız E., Köksalan M., Gürel S. (2015), Merkezi vezne yer seçimi ve ATM envanter yönetim politikaları ile nakit yönetim sistemi optimizasyonu, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 26(2), pp 4-20.
- Renkli Ç., Duran S. (2015), Pre-positioning disaster response facilities and relief items, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 21, pp 1169–1185.
- Aktürk M.S., Atamtürk A., Gürel S. (2014), Aircraft rescheduling with cruise speed control, Operations Research, 62(4), pp 829-845.
- Duran S., Özener O.Ö., Yakıcı E. (2014), League scheduling and game bundling in sports industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 74, pp 92-101.
- Güden H., Süral H. (2014), Locating mobile facilities in railway construction management, Omega, 45, pp 71-79.
- Hesapçıoğlu Tural S., Tural M.K., Kandil S. (2014), Quality of life and self-esteem in children with chronic tic disorder, Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 49(4), pp 323-332.
- Rahim F., Sepil C. (2014), A location-routing problem in glass recycling, Annals of Operations Research, 223, pp 329-353.
- Şakar C.T., Köksalan M. (2014), Effects of multiple criteria on portfolio optimization, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 13(1), pp 77-99.
- Yakıcı E, Özener O.Ö., Duran S. (2014), Selection of event tickets for bundling in sports and entertainment industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 74(8), pp 257-269.
- Aksoy S.A, Eryiğit E., Hashimova N., İşbilir M., Avşar Z.M. (2013), Rüzgar gücü üretimi için tahmin ve teklif sistemi tasarımı, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 24(3-4), pp 4-15.
- Atamer B., Bakal İ.S, Bayındır Z.P. (2013), Optimal pricing and production decisions in utilizing reusable containers, International Journal of Production Economics, 143(2), pp 222–232.
- Çelik T.Y., Doğan E., Sancı E., Türeci H., Köksalan M., Gürel S. (2013), Bankamatik kasalarinin nakit yönetimi, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 24(3-4), pp 16-28.
- İyigün C., Türkeş M., Batmaz İ., Yozgatlıgil C., Purutçuoğlu V., Kartal Koç E., Öztürk M.Z. (2013), Clustering current climate regions of Turkey by using a multivariate statistical method, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114(1-2), pp 95-106.
- Morgül E.F., Özbay K., Çavuş Ö., İyigün C. (2013), Modeling of bus transit driver availability for effective emergency evacuation in disaster relief, Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record, 2376, pp 45-55.
- Özbay K., İyigün C, Baykal Gürsoy M., Xiao W. (2013), Probabilistic programming models for traffic incident management operations planning, Annals of Operations Research, 203(1), pp 389-406.
- Şakar, C.T., Köksalan M. (2013), A stochastic programming approach to multicriteria portfolio optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 57, pp 299-314.
- Tural Hesapçıoğlu S., Tural M.K., Kandil S. (2013), Sociodemographic/clinical characteristics and risk factors associated with chronic tic disorders, Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 24(3), pp 158-167.
- Bozkurt M, Duran S. (2012), Effects of natural disaster trends: A case study for expanding the pre-positioning network of CARE International, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(8), pp 2863-2874.
- Duran S., Pakyardım Y.K. (2012), Dynamically switching among bundled and single tickets with time dependent demand rates, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012.
- Duran S., Yakıcı E., Swann J. (2012), Dynamic switching times from season to single tickets in sports and entertainment industry, Optimization Letters, 6(6), pp 1185-1206.
- Duran S, Gutierrez M.A, Keskinocak P. (2011), Pre-positioning of emergency items worldwide for CARE International, Interfaces, 41(3), pp 223-237.
- Görmez N., Köksalan M., Salman S. (2011), Locating disaster response facilities in Istanbul, Journal of Operational Research Society, 62, pp 1239-1252.
- Randa A.C., Cömert A., Adıgüzel B., Balıkçıoğlu C., Örnekol C., Bayındır Z.P., Bakal İ.S. (2011), Türk kızılayı orta anadolu bölgesi kan ürünleri tedarik zinciri yönetimi projesi, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 22(3), pp 22-70.
- Barutçuoğlu A., Demirtaş D., Dilan B., Düzgün R., Köksalan M., Savaşaneril S. (2010), Bir otomotiv firması için araç sevkiyatı ve dağtım merkezi yer seçimi problemi, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 21(1), pp 4-16.
- Kaya O., Kendirci S., Kılcıoğlu Ç., Okay B., Özüretmen C., İyigün C., Kayalıgil S., Köksal G. (2010), Baz istasyonu yatırım planlaması, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 21(3), pp 2-24.