An airport gate reassignment problem with gate closures

Dursen Deniz Poyraz Rotterdam School of Management

Gates are important resources of airports whose proper allocations are crucial for effective air transport operations. Daily airport operations may experience disturbances in various forms: flight earliness and delays, flight cancellations, maintenance operations, flight and gate breakdowns, and even major incidents such as labor strikes of airport employees and abnormal meteorological conditions which may even result in temporary airport closures. As a result of such disruptions, the optimal solution to any gate assignment problem may become undesired or even infeasible to implement. Hence, a need to reassign the aircraft to the gates arises. We consider a gate reassignment problem (AGRP) where the aircraft are already assigned to the gates or to the apron and disruption that affects a subset of the gates occurs. After the disruption, the aircraft assigned to the disrupted gates should be shifted to the remaining available gates or the apron. This shift may also trigger some assignment changes for the aircraft of the nondisrupted gates to give room for the aircraft of the disrupted gates. Such adjustments, which are referred to as reassignment, should ensure efficiency en route to low airport operating costs and stability en route to low setup costs.

Joint work with Meral Azizoğlu

Short Bio

Dursen Deniz Poyraz received BSc and MSc degrees from the Industrial Engineering Department of METU in 2019 and 2022. She worked in the industry as a planning engineer when she first graduated and then worked as a research assistant at our department for the remainder of her master’s studies. Presently, she is pursuing her PhD at the Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands. Poyraz’s research interests include combinatorial optimization, access to health problems, healthcare optimization, humanitarian logistics, network optimization and multi-objective decision making.

Friday, December 22, 2023, 4 pm
Meeting ID: 944 8367 6411 Passcode: 191117


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